Social Responsibilities
I believe social responsibility begins with a strong, competitive company. Only a healthy enterprise can improve and enrich the lives of people and their communities.
الأول في البحرين مقدم من شركة البحرين لتصليح السفن والهندسةOctober 7, 2021المستشفى العسكري يستلم تبرع جهاز أشعة الفوق الصوتية بخاصية الدمج بالرنيين المغناطيسي أعرب اللواء البروفيسور الشيخ خالد بن علي آل خليفة قائد الخدمات الطبية الملكية بقوة دفاع البحرين عن عميق شكره وتقديره للدعم المتواصل لشركة البحرين لتصليح السفن والهندسة (BASREC)، والذي يساهم في تحقيق الإستفادة والدعم اللازم لتحسين وتطوير الخدمات الصحية المقدمة والذي يأتي انطلاقاً من مبدأ الشراكة والمسؤولية المجتمعية لدعم خطط التطوير والارتقاء بالخدمات الصحية المقدمة للمواطنين والمقيمين في مملكة البحرين. جاء ذلك لدى استقبال اللواء البروفيسور الشيخ خالد بن علي آل خليفة للوجيه فوزي أحمد كانو رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة البحرين لتصليح السفن والهندسة حيث تم تسليم جهاز BK5000 fusion وهو الجهاز الأول من نوعه في مملكة البحرين وواحد من الأجهزة القليلة في المنطقة. ويؤدي هذا إلى تطوير تقنية تشخيص سرطان البروستاتا في البحرين من خلال السماح بالتصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي للبروستاتا ليتم دمجها مع صور الموجات فوق الصوتية في الوقت ذاته في يوم أخذ خزعة البروستاتا وبالتالي السماح بالخزعات المستهدفة لأورام البروستاتا المشتبه بها، كما سيترجم إلى انخفاض في خزعات البروستاتا السلبية الكاذبة والاكتشاف المبكر لسرطان البروستاتا الذي كان من الممكن تفويته بخلاف ذلك. وقال اللواء البروفيسور الشيخ خالد بن علي آل خليفة ان هذا الجهاز يعد إضافة قيمة للمستشفى العسكري وسيساهم في رفع مستوى الخدمات المقدمة للمرضى. وأكد اللواء البروفيسور الشيخ خالد بن علي آل خليفة أن إسهامات شركة البحرين لتصليح السفن والهندسة بهذا التبرع يجسد مدى الالتزام المستمر لتطبيق مبادئ الشراكة الاجتماعية بين القطاع العام والخاص والذي يؤدي إلى تعزيز مختلف الخدمات الطبية المقدمة بمستشفى العسكري. من جانبه أكد الوجيه فوزي أحمد كانو إستعداد الشركة في مواصلة تقديم الدعم الذي يأتي انطلاقاً من مساعيها الدؤوبة لتقديم كافة سبل الدعم والمساندة الدائمة للمستفيدين من الخدمات الصحية والإمكانيات الطبية عالية الكفاءة وبما يخدم المجتمع البحريني والقطاع الصحي بالمملكة بشكل عام. حضر اللقاء عدد من أعضاء مجلس إدارة شركة البحرين لتصليح السفن والهندسة، ومسؤولي الخدمات الطبية بالمستشفى العسكري.
Prostate cancer fight backedOctober 7, 2021A HI-TECH machine that helps in the treatment of prostate cancer has been donated to the BDF Hospital. The BK5000 fusion MRI ultrasound machine – the one of the few in the region – was presented by Bahrain Ship Repair and Engineering Company (Basrec). BDF Royal Medical Services Commander Major General Professor Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa received the machine from Basrec chairman Fawzi Ahmed Kanoo. “The machine will help the development of prostate cancer diagnostics technology in Bahrain,” said a BDF Hospital statement. “It allows an MRI of the prostate to be combined with ultrasound images simultaneously on the day of the prostate biopsy, thus allowing targeted biopsies for suspected prostate tumours. “This would translate into a reduction in false-negative prostate biopsies and early detection of prostate cancer that would otherwise have been missed.” The presentation was attended by Basrec board members and hospital offcials.
وكيل الصحة يشيد بالدعم المتواصل للوجيه فوزي بن أحمد كانو في تطوير ودعم الخدمات الصحية .. وزارة الصحة تتسلّم تبرع جهاز اختبار السموم البكتيرية لمياه وحدات الغسيل الكلوي من شركة البحرين لتصليح السفن و الهندسةOctober 6, 2021أعرب الدكتور وليد بن خليفة المانع عن عميق شكره وتقديره للدعم السخي المتواصل للوجيه فوزي أحمد كانو والذي يساهم في تحقيق الاستفادة والدعم اللازم لتحسين وتطوير مستوى الخدمات الصحية المقدمة، والذي يأتي انطلاقا من مبدأ الشراكة والمسئولية المجتمعية لدعم خطط التطوير والارتقاء بالخدمات الصحية المقدمة للمواطنين والمقيمين بمملكة البحرين. جاء ذلك لدى استقبال وكيل وزارة الصحة الوجيه فوزي بن أحمد كانو رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة البحرين لتصليح السفن والهندسة، حيث تم تسليم جهاز فحص ومراقبة السموم البكتيرية في المياه، لوحدات الغسيل الكلوي. حيث يعد أحد الاجهزة الحديثة ذات الحساسية العالية لتقييم جودة وسلامة المياه المستخدمة في وحدات غسيل الكلى لتفادي نفاذ السموم البكتيرية عبر المرشحات الخاصة في اجهزة غسيل الكلى. وقال وكيل وزراه الصحة بأنه من المهم توافر اجهزة فحص السموم البكتيرية في المنشئات الصحية خصوصا في وحدة غسيل الكلى بالمستشفيات الحكومية والخاصة لمراقبة جودة وسلامة المياه المستخدمة كما اوصت به المنظمات العالمية (منظمة الصحة العالمية) والهيئات الرقابية الوطنية (الهيئة الوطنية لتنظيم المهن والخدمات الصحية) NHRA كأحد المعايير الالزامية لجودة المياه في تلك المنشئات. وأشار إلى أن هذا الجهاز يعد اضافة قيمة لمرافق لصحة حيث سيتم استخدامه بصورة دورية في مراكز الغسيل الكلوي بمجمع السلمانية الطبي ومركز عبدالرحمن كانو ومركز الشيخ عبدالله لضمان سلامة و صحة المرضى. ومن جانبه؛ أكد الوجيه فوزي بن أحمد كانو رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة البحرين لتصليح السفن والهندسة بأن هذا التبرع سيخدم المرضى مما سيساهم في تحقيق الارتقاء بجودة وكفاءة الخدمات الصحية المقدمة لهم، وأشار إلى استعداد الشركة في مواصلة تقديم الدعم الذي يأتي انطلاقا من مساعيها الدؤوبة لتقديم كافة سبل الدعم والمساندة الممكنة للمستفيدين من الخدمات الصحية والإمكانيات الطبية عالية الكفاءة وبما يخدم صالح المجتمع البحريني والقطاع الصحي بالمملكة بشكل عام. وفي ختام اللقاء أكد وكيل الصحة بأن إسهامات الشركة الكريمة تجسد مدى الالتزام المستمر بتطبيق مبادئ الشراكة الاجتماعية بين القطاع العام والخاص والذي يؤدي إلى تعزيز مختلف الخدمات المقدمة بوزارة الصحة، كما أثنى على الدور الإنساني النبيل الذي يبذله الوجيه فوزي بن أحمد كانو بمتابعته في دعم شتى المشاريع التطويرية للخدمات الصحية والتي يستفيد منها العديد من المرضى بمرافق وزارة الصحة. كما نقل عميق شكر وامتنان سعادة وزيرة الصحة الأستاذة فائقة بنت سعيد الصالح وسعادة للدعم المقدم من جانب الشركة، مقدرين هذه الجهود والمبادرات الخيرة والإنسانية المقدمة لصالح خدمة وطننا الغالي.
باسرك تقدم دعماً مالياً لجمعية النور للبرOctober 6, 2021انطلاقاً من دورها في دعم المجتمع و مسؤوليتها تجاه مختلف فئاته قدمت شركة البحرين لتصليح السفن و الهندسة دعماً مالياً لجمعية النور للبر لمساعدتها علي القيام بواجباتها ومسئولياتها تجاه المجتمع البحريني وقد عبر المسؤولون في الشركة عن تثمينهم للدور الفعال و الأسهام الكبير التي تقوم به الجمعية في رعاية الفئات المحتاجة في المجتمع . قامت بتسليم الدعم السيدة نرجس الموسوي مديرة الموارد البشرية و الأدارية في شركة البحرين لتصليح السفن و الهندسة و استلمته السيدة هدي بوجيري مديرة شئون الموارد البشرية بجمعية النور للبر والذي تقدمت بالشكر الجزيل لمجلس إدارة شركة البحرين لتصليح السفن ( باسرك ) علي دعمهم للجمعية خاصة وجميع الأعمال الإنسانية والخيرية والإجتماعية بمملكة البحرين.
Basrec provides support to the Bahrain Red Crescent SocietyOctober 6, 2021In line with its strategy in the field of social responsibility and commitment to support community institutions, the Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Company provided financial support to the Bahrain Red Crescent Society for the benefit of the projects and activities implemented by the society. The company officials expressed their appreciation for the effective role and the great contribution that the association makes in serving all segments of society and serving the nation. Mrs. Narjis Almoosawi, Human Resources and Administration Manager at the Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Company, handed over the support to Mr. Mohammed Ibrahim, the Society's Administrative Supervisor, who extended his heartfelt thanks to the Management and Board of Directors of BASREC for their support to the Bahrain Red Crescent Society in particular and all humanitarian, charitable and social work in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
BASREC provides financial support to the Children and Mothers Welfare SociatyOctober 6, 2021Based on its role in supporting the community and its responsibility towards its various groups, the Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Company provided financial support to the Children and Mothers Welfare Society for its charitable work. The company officials expressed their appreciation for the effective role and the great contribution that the association makes in caring for the needy groups in society. Mrs. Narjis Almoosawi, Human Resources and Administration Manager at the Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Company, handed over the support to Mrs. Sawsan Qambar, Secretary of the Children and Mothers Welfare Society, where she thanked the Board of Directors of the (BASRC) for their support for the association especially and for all humanitarian work. And charitable and social in the Kingdom of Bahrain
20 years of serviceOctober 6, 2021The Bahrain Ship Repair and Engineering Company (BASREC) celebrated the honor of a number of its employees who have served the company for twenty years or more, in recognition of their dedication to work and their prominent role in enhancing the company's position and developing its services. On this occasion, the CEO of the company, Mr. Didine Saadi, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the honorees for their efforts over the past years in achieving the goals and aspirations of the company. He stressed the Board of Directors' keenness to encourage and motivate employees to give in addition to its relentless pursuit to provide permanent support to employees and help them continuously develop their professional skills. On their part, the employees expressed their deep gratitude for this honor, appreciating the continuous support provided by the company in terms of development, training, and constant keenness to improve them. The honoring ceremony witnessed the distribution of gifts of appreciation to the honored employees.
BASREC Provides Financial Support to (Bahrain Philanthropic Society)October 6, 2021Based on its role in supporting the society and its responsibility towards its various categories, Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Company has provided financial support to the Bahrain Philanthropic Society in order to support the projects of the association that aims to provide assistance to vulnerable groups in society such as the elderly, the handicapped, orphans and widows, as well as contribute to the development of The health and educational sectors in Bahraini society. The officials of the company expressed their appreciation for the effective role and great contribution that the association plays in providing the best humanitarian and charitable services. The support was delivered by Mrs. Narjis Almoosawi, Human Resources and Administration Manager at the Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Company to Mr. Hussain Bokammas, General Manager of the Society, who thanked the Bahrain Ship Repairing & Engineering Company Board for their support to the Bahrain Philanthropic Society and all humanitarian and charitable work And social in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The Royal Foundation for HumanitarianAugust 13, 2020The Royal Foundation for Humanitarian Works received a donation from Bahrain Ship Repair and Engineering Company to provide support and support to the Foundation's families. The donation receives His Excellency Dr. Mustafa Al-Sayed, Secretary General of the Royal Humanitarian Foundation from Professor Nargis Al-Musawi, Director of Human Resources Management, Bahrain Company for Ship Repair and Engineering, and this donation comes within the company's contribution to supporting the humanitarian work it does Royal Foundation for Humanitarian Works in order to ensure community partnership to serve Bahraini community..
(Basrec provides financial support to Al Noor Charity Welfare)August 12, 2020(Basrec provides financial support to Al Noor Charity Welfare) Based on its role in supporting society and its responsibility towards its various categories, Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Company provided financial support during the month of Ramadan to the Al Noor Charity Welfare to be distributed to the needy families in this generous month. The officials of the company expressed their appreciation for the effective role and significant contribution that the association plays in caring for the needy groups in society. The support was delivered by Mrs. Narjis Al Moosawi Human Resources and Administration Manager at Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering, and it was received by Mrs. Huda Bucheeri, Human Resources Affairs Manager at the Al Noor Charity Welfare.
BASREC Provides Financial Support to (Bahrain Philanthropic Society)August 12, 2020BASREC Provides Financial Support to (Bahrain Philanthropic Society) Based on its role in supporting the society and its responsibility towards its various categories, Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Company has provided financial support to the Bahrain Philanthropic Society in order to support the projects of the association that aims to provide assistance to vulnerable groups in society such as the elderly, the handicapped, orphans and widows, as well as contribute to the development of The health and educational sectors in Bahraini society. The officials of the company expressed their appreciation for the effective role and great contribution that the association plays in providing the best humanitarian and charitable services. The support was delivered by Mrs. Narjis Almoosawi, Human Resources and Administration Manager at the Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Company to Mr. Abdul Rahman Salman, Public Relations and Information Officer of the Society, who thanked the Bahrain Ship Repairing & Engineering Company Board for their support to the Bahrain Philanthropic Society and all humanitarian and charitable work And social in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
BASREC provides financial support to the Zakat Fund- Ministry of Justice, Islamic and Endowment AffairsAugust 12, 2020BASREC provides financial support to the Zakat Fund- Ministry of Justice, Islamic and Endowment Affairs In line with its strategy in the field of social responsibility and commitment to support community organizations, Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Company has provided financial support to the Zakat Fund of the Ministry of Justice, Islamic and Endowment Affairs for the benefit of projects and initiatives undertaken by the fund. The officials of the company expressed their appreciation for the effective role and significant contribution that the Fund plays in caring for the needy segments of society. The support was delivered by Mrs. Narjis Al Moosawi, Human Resources and Administration Manager at the Bahrain Ship Repair and Engineering Company to Mr. Mohammed Ali Al Jabri, Head of Resource Development at the Fund, who thanked the Bahrain Ship Repairing Company (BASREC) for their support to the Zakat Fund, charitable donations, especially all humanitarian, charitable and social work in the Kingdom.
BASREC Provides Financial Support to (Bahrain Red Crescent Society)August 12, 2020BASREC Provides Financial Support to (Bahrain Red Crescent Society) Based on its role in supporting the Society and its responsibility and commitment to support community organizations, Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Company has provided financial support to the Bahrain Red Crescent Society in favor of projects and activities implemented by the society. The officials of the company expressed their appreciation for the effective role and great contribution that the association plays in serving the society. The support was delivered by Mrs. Narjis Almoosawi, Human Resources and Administration Manager at the Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Company to Mr. Mohammed Ebrahim, Supervisor of the Society, who thanked the Bahrain Ship Repairing & Engineering Company Board for their support to the Bahrain Red Crescent Society and all humanitarian and charitable work And social in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Bahraini Graduates RecruitNovember 7, 2016Bahrain Ship Repairing & Engineering Co. (BASREC) has recruited a few Bahraini Jobseekers who graduated from secondary technical schools with the cooperation of Ministry of Labour, as they will take training in different departments. In the photo, the new Bahraini trainees with Mr.Naji Ahmed Eid, Personnel Department Head of BASREC.
20 Years of Continuous serviceNovember 6, 2016Long service awards along with certificates of appreciation were presented to employees of Bahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Company (BASREC) who completed 20 years of continues service. The awards and certificates were presented by Chief Executive Officer of BASREC Mr. Nour-Eddine Saadi. In the photo, Chief Executive Officer Mr. Nour-Eddine Saadi (Third from left) seen with honored employees.
Child Care HomeNovember 6, 2016Bahrain Ship Repairing & Engineering Co. (BASREC) has donated money to Child Care Home as BASREC normally contributes every year to support charity Funds in Bahrain. In the photo Representatives Child Care Home with Mr. Manish Agarwal, Chief Finance Officer at BASREC.
Philanthropic SocietyNovember 6, 2016Bahrain Ship Repairing & Engineering Co. (BASREC) has donated money to Bahrain Philanthropic Society, as normally BASREC contribute every year to support charity Funds in Bahrain. In the photo Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed, company Advisor “left of photo”, and Mr. Naji Ahmed Eid, Personnel Dept. Head with Mr. Hasan Ebrahim Kamal, the Secretary – General of the Society. Receiving the cheque at BASREC.
Supervisory worksNovember 6, 2016Bahrain Ship Repairing & Engineering Co. BASREC has recently employed one of newly graduated Bahraini Mr. Ali Hasan who has a BSC in Mechanical Engineering to train him in all different types of Supervisory works to be a supervisor in ship repairing. In the photo Mr. Naji Ahmed Eid, Personnel Dept. Head of BASREC “left” with Mr. Ali Hasan.
Islamic AssociationNovember 6, 2016Bahrain Ship repairing & Engineering Co. BASREC has donated a cash money to Islamic association as a normally BASREC contributes every year to support charity Funds in Bahrain. In the photo Representative of Islamic Association “Middle” with Mr. Manish Agarwal, and Mr. Naji ahmed Eid from BASREC.
Children & Mothers WelfareNovember 6, 2016Bahrain Ship Repairing & Engineering Co. BASREC has donated a cash money to Children & Mothers Welfare as normally BASREC contributes every year to support charity Funds in Bahrain. In the photo “ Mrs. Sawsan Qamber from Mother Care Society “left” and Mr. Naji Ahmed Eid from Personnel Department at Bahrain Ship Repairing & Engineering Co. BASREC.